Welcome To The Woo - Dropping the Veil of Fear

Imagine waking up without the running to-do list in your head.  Imagine going through life not worried about who is going to be angry with you today.  Imagine not having to kill yourself to prove that you are worthy of love.  Imagine being able to be still, peaceful, and truly relaxed.

It is possible.  It just takes a little work.

And knowing what to work on. (This is the hard part.)

There are so many programs out there that say they can make you feel better, but so few actually do.  There are a bunch of reasons for this, including:

  • Marketers masquerading as spiritual teachers
  • Programs that aren't built effectively
  • Programs that you're taking before you're ready to do that level of work

How do you know whether the program you are looking at will work for you?

Kelle Invites you to take your journey to find peace and safety. 

You'll do this by addressing your:

  • Fear
  • Anxiety
  • Worry
  • Dread
  • Self Doubt
  • Inner and Outer Judgements

And by building a foundation of: 

  • Courage 
  • Self-Support

This program will reduce your stress levels in half!  You'll see the world totally differently when you're done.

Here’s How it Works….Over 4 Months You’ll Get:

Online Learning Platform

You’ll get access to the learning platform which will deliver your content to you on a weekly basis. Each week, the new content will be delivered for you. This content includes videos, audios, written content, and assignments for you to complete to help you implement the work into your life.

Group Coaching Calls Twice Each Month

This program will include eight Zoom video group coaching calls. You can also call in via phone if you need to. If you cannot make a call, you can send an email with your questions to your Coach the day before the call and your Coach will answer them on the call.

All calls are recorded and uploaded into your group so you can watch them later.

Private Discussion Group

You will be added to a private discussion group on Mighty Networks that will include everyone in your program. This small (max size 12 people) group will not be able to be searched and the contents of the discussion are not available to anyone other than those in the class and your instructors. Everyone will be asked to agree to confidentiality before being allowed to enter the group. Your coach will log in to this group periodically to answer questions.

Group Coaching Calls Are:

We have several groups running at the moment, so we will discuss your scheduling options when you sign up. 

By the end of the Welcome To The Woo course you’ll:

  • Be able to overcome your fears
  • Dramatically reduce your anxiety and overwhelm
  • Be less concerned with what other people think about you
  • Know how to clear your energy field when it feels gummed up
  • Not feel like you’re under attack all the time
  • Learn how to create boundaries as an empath
  • Be able to shield yourself from others and the collective angst in the world
  • Be able to properly energetically protect your home and other personal spaces

The material in this course represents many years of personal growth and energetic training.  In taking this course, you are saving yourself all of that time, and a TON of money. 

Think about it. 

How much do you spend each year on personal growth, energy skills training, and more?

$1,000?  $3,000?  $5,000?  $10,000?

Don’t forget to add in the retreats, the crystals, the healing sessions, the psychic readings, and everything else you do.  

It’s a big number, right?

Now imagine you could skip 5 years’ worth of that expense.

That number is getting huge now.  

And, best of all, you get to feel better for all of that time, instead of feeling bad and searching for another solution.

And, it won’t break the bank.

It’s only $2997.

So what are you waiting for?  

Sign Up Now!


"LOTS to think about. I'm so glad I signed up for this! The way you speak is straightforward and clear and I appreciate that. I enjoyed all of the information and videos, especially. The self-assessment forced me to bring to light my shadows and things I purposely stuffed down many many years ago. Would you believe I even had a lucid dream telling off my alcoholic dad? Something I always wanted to do but never gave myself permission to do - I was way way too young and after his death, my focus was helping my mom get herself back together. Anyway, I see it is a necessary evil from which this young Jedi had much to learn. Thank you for everything you do. JULZ"

Jewell Freeman

"I really don’t know what to say about [my earlier self-assessments from when I started the program.] They were really hard to reread. When I wrote them, it is easy to see that I was in a great deal of pain and was treading water through it all just trying to survive. Really, I was. In all areas of my life. I might have put a pretty bow on it and told myself this was a pretty good place to be, but it was not. My numbering system as the happiness scale was not at all what I would rate it looking back from where I am now.

I realized a few things. One-I really did know what my issues were and was really able to identify where I needed work- but I had no fucking idea how to move. I was soooo stuck.

Two-I was really in my head processing and trying to bypass my work. I thought I could cognitively work my way around, over, or under. Any which way but through!

Three-this course is a wild, amazing, and quick passage through the toughest, deepest, most wounded parts of ourselves that allows for healing and rebuilding in a way that I never imagined would be possible.

Four-I am not empty inside. I am alive and unique! I have intrinsic value and do not have to measure my worth day to day, by progress or setback. I am lovable, free, and full of my own ideas. I like myself and love myself.

I am humbled and honored to have spent my time alongside strong coaches and fellow coursemates. I found a tribe. This life-changing evolution process has saved my life..."

Phoebe Wing

"I called Kelle today after finishing my program because I couldn't believe what had happened.  I read my self-assessment from the beginning of the program and I honestly didn't recognize myself.  I knew I hadn't exaggerated and that I had been totally honest about what was true for me at the time.  And now, I can't even imagine thinking that way.  This course is amazing!  Totally changed my life!"

Elissa Beard

"It's almost as if I do not have the same worries as previously. God, it feels like I'm reading a page from this program, but it honestly feels I don't have the same anxieties anymore. Like worrying about what someone else thinks about me. Worrying about others' safety. Worry about money. Just a ton of worry gone. And I've waited a few days just to make sure it sticks, and it hasn't wavered. I am also able to maintain my energy levels after MONTHS[!!!!!!] of no energy. So I'm just really happy"

Tiffany Williams

"Working with Kelle through the program is changing my life! The different steps, practices, videos, and zoom meetings, all of it challenged my thoughts, beliefs and emotions. I’ve suffered from depression on and off my whole life for different reasons. I’ve sought counseling over the years. Nothing compares! It’s truly the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. Kelle has many many gifts, but the gift of understanding human emotions and helping others figure it all out is where she is most blessed! I’m a work in progress but well on my way to being a healthier and happier me! Thank you Kelle does not sound like enough, but I learned from you....it is <3"

Faith DuFour

"My takeaway is revelatory and huge for me! I see the big tangle of issues in front of me for the first time! The tangible things. The things that I can actually for the first time nail down, call it by its name and address it in my physical world with change!! This is monumental for me.

 So much is coming through this remarkable program. The thing I have appreciated most about it is that each step is a tangible action. Something I can actually implement into my daily life. There isn’t any ”fluff” here. Only good information and great direction to challenge how we really live our daily lives and how we view those lives. I have gotten so much out of this."

Laura McGuire

"Life changing. I didn’t know what to expect but I knew I should be in her program...   Life has improved and it’s easier to do difficult things. People around me have noticed a positive change and I’m more communicative as well. I’ve just enrolled in the year-long class and I’m excited!  Thanks, Kelle 😊"

Derek Greene

"Kelle is the best of the best!!! She has such an amazingly beautiful energy she brings into her work as a Transformational Shaman. I'm astounded by the transformation in myself and my life since starting her program. I am eternally grateful the universe brought her into my life."

Jami Arrington

Don't let another 5 years go by without feeling better.

Sign Up Now!

21 Modules

Week 8 - Mastering Change: Staying Loyal To The Rules of Belonging (this is why lottery winners go broke)

Modules for this product 21
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 Welcome To The Woo - Dropping the Veil of Fear
 $ 2,997.00 USD
 Welcome To The Woo - 4 payments of $750
 $ 750.00 USD  ( then $750.00 USD for 3 months )
 Two People Registering Together (Second person's access will be manually mailed within 24 hours)
 $ 4,500.00 USD

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